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엠페이스는 고주파 전류(RF)와 HIFES(하이페스, High Intensity Facial Electromagnetic Stimulation) 에너지를 피부와 근육층에 동시에 전달합니다.
이는 콜라겐 생성을 유도하고 근육을 자극시켜 안면 주름의 일시적 개선을 가능하게 합니다.
Gentile R, MD, Halaas Y, MD, Novel Approach to Facial Rejuvenation by Treating Cutaneous and Soft Tissue for Wrinkles Reduction: First Experience from Multicenter Clinical Trial. Accepted for publication in Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine 2023.
Halaas Y., MD. Muscle Quality Improvement Underlines the Non-invasive Facial Remodeling Induced by a Simultaneous Combination of a Novel Facial Muscle Stimulation Technology with Synchronized Radiofrequency. Presented at: American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2022. October 19-23, 2022; Washington, DC.
Kinney B, Boyd C. Safety and Efficacy of Combined HIFES Tissue Stimulation and Monopolar RF for Facial Remodeling. Presented at: American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2022. October 19-23, 2022; Washington, DC.
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